What I’m up to

I haven’t written here in a while because I haven’t “finished” anything I have been wanting to write about, but why wait until I’m completely done, right? So, here’s a bit about what I’ve been up to data-science-wise: I’m in a grad class called Stochastic Models and we’re learning about Markov Chains right now. Fascinating… Continue reading What I’m up to

Goal #1 Reached!

My first “Becoming A Data Scientist” goal was to get an “A” in my Machine Learning class this semester, and I did! Now I can cross that one off the list: Updated Goals

Is Data Scientist the Right Career Path for Me?

This is a post in response to the interview article “Is Data Scientist the right career path for you? Candid Advice” posted on KDnuggets here: http://www.kdnuggets.com/2014/03/data-scientist-right-career-path-candid-advice.html In that post, Paco Nathan, “a data science expert with 25+ years of industry experience”, is interviewed about Data Science as a career path, and gives his opinions on… Continue reading Is Data Scientist the Right Career Path for Me?

Wolfram Language

Stephen Wolfram recently announced that he is releasing a programming language that appears to include a quick development approach for mathematical and data science projects (and more), utilizing everything that Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica are capable of, and taking them to another level completely. The demonstration in the video is very impressive, and I’m excited to try this out!


Since this site is about “becoming a data scientist”, I thought I should define what I think that means by setting some goals for myself.