You may have seen me tweeting about some research I did on “Data Visualization for Exploratory Data Analysis” for my Cognitive Systems Engineering course. My presentation went really well! I’m less satisfied with the paper since it was done in a hurry to complete the project deliverables, but i’m including it because it explains some… Continue reading Data Visualization Project
Category: talks/publications
Data Sciencey Podcasts (Updated)
I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts this semester since I am driving 1 hour each way to class twice a week, and I thought I’d share some good ones I’ve found. I started out by listening to the entire season of Serial (which I recommend!), then switched to fun and sciencey ones for… Continue reading Data Sciencey Podcasts (Updated)
Girl Develop It! Meetup
In the past, I’ve been “semi-anonymous” on this blog, not advertising my real name or employment. However, if I’m going to start doing “appearances”, I might as well make it easy for people to match up my blog with my name! So hello, I’m Renee Marie Parilak Teate, and I’m becoming a data scientist :)… Continue reading Girl Develop It! Meetup
My “What is Data Science?” Talk
I got a chance to tell the undergraduate students at JMU about data science tonight! Despite the cold weather and short notice (the invites went out 2 days before), over 20 students showed up for the talk, which was hosted by the IEEE Computer Society club. The students’ majors included Integrated Science & Technology, Computer… Continue reading My “What is Data Science?” Talk