I have been getting great feedback on my “Becoming a Data Scientist” Flipboard magazine, and I had this other set of articles bookmarked that didn’t quite fit into it. I want the Becoming a Data Scientist one to be the “best of the best” of articles I find on Twitter about data science, and to… Continue reading Data Science Tutorials Flipboard Magazine
Category: resources
Playing With Google Cloud Datalab
This weekend, I played around with the newly-released Google Cloud Datalab. I learned how to use BigQuery and also played around with Google Charts vs Pandas+Matplotlib plots, since you can do both in Datalab. I had a few frustrations with it because the documentation isn’t great, and also sometimes it would silently timeout and it… Continue reading Playing With Google Cloud Datalab
Becoming A Data Scientist Flipboard Magazine
I love finding and sharing good articles about data science related topics on twitter, but I know not everyone is on twitter, and also sometimes tweets get quickly lost in the timeline and they’re easy to miss. So, I’ve started sharing the best articles via a Flipboard magazine as well! Check it out! https://flipboard.com/@becomingdatasci/becoming-a-data-scientist-5ktft1lky
How To Use Twitter to Learn Data Science (or anything)
When I decided that I wanted to become a data scientist, I started following some data scientists on twitter to see what they talk about and what was going on in the “industry”. Then I saw them pointing one another at resources, and answering each other’s questions, and I realized I had only seen the tip of the iceberg of “Data Science Twitter”. That’s when I created a new twitter account.
DataSciGuide Contest
Want a way to help people that are learning data science, and also get a chance to win a $40 Amazon Gift Card? Review a data science blog, podcast, course, or other content at DataSciGuide! Here’s more info: http://www.datasciguide.com/review-stuff-and-win-a-40-amazon-gift-card/
Human Name Variations in Databases
I normally write about my adventures learning data science here, but my expertise for years has been database design and reporting, and I have some knowledge to contribute to a discussion that I thought I’d document here. A conversation on Twitter today about how people’s names are stored in databases, with stories of frustration from people that have had terrible customer/patient experience because of “unusual” names, made me want to write about this topic.
My “Secret” Side Project, Revealed
OK So I was actually hoping to show this to you all long ago, and I kept coming up with more and more ideas for it, so it’s not going to be “ready” to reveal for a while, but I figured I’d go ahead and show it to you anyway. My main motivation is that… Continue reading My “Secret” Side Project, Revealed
API and Market Basket Analysis
I was considering waiting until I’m done before posting about this project, but instead I thought I’d post my progress and plans while I think about the next steps. I posted earlier about using the UsesThis API to retrieve data about what other software people that use X software also use. I thought I was… Continue reading API and Market Basket Analysis
May 2015 #SoDS Storify
I wanted to capture the participation in the #SoDS (Summer of Data Science) hashtag somehow, so I decided to create a monthly Storify to keep up with all of your great tweets! [View the story “#SoDS May 2015” on Storify]
IPython, Requests, lxml, and the NPR API
Last week, I decided to learn how to use python to get data from an API. I started with the Codecademy “Introduction to APIs in Python” course, which got me oriented to how requests work, and in the subsequent NPR API lesson, specifically how the NPR stories API works. Certain parts of the course assumed… Continue reading IPython, Requests, lxml, and the NPR API