I’ve been telling everyone that I’d do something “data fun” when I hit 20K Twitter followers, so I posted an analysis of my podcast listeners! I used python and pandas in a Jupyter notebook for the first part, then I did a dashboard in Tableau for the last part.
Category: projects
Support Becoming a Data Scientist!
I want to hire some people to help me update my websites more frequently, do the maintenance stuff, and to help edit the podcast so I can produce episodes more frequently. I outlined my whole plan here on my Patreon Campaign. You’ll see a new page on this site soon acknowledging supporters, and I’ll update… Continue reading Support Becoming a Data Scientist!
“Becoming a Data Scientist” Survey Results 1: Jobs & Education
Here is the 1st batch of results from the Becoming a Data Scientist Survey. Because of the sample size and unscientific casual nature of this survey, we can’t make any broad generalizations about the industry from these results, but you can see some general preliminary trends in the breakdowns that would be interesting to study more.
95% of the 158 respondents who gave answers about their jobs follow at least one of my twitter accounts, so you can think of these results as representing my twitter followers.
I’m mostly going to let the tables and graphs speak for themselves…
Becoming a Data Scientist Survey
I am collecting information about my “audiences” so I can improve my websites, podcast, and also formulate a plan for a Patreon campaign to generate funds for getting help and to free myself up to create more content. Please fill out the survey and share it with your friends and followers on social media! The… Continue reading Becoming a Data Scientist Survey
Data Science Learning Club Update
For anyone that hasn’t yet joined the Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast Data Science Learning Club, I thought I’d write up a summary of what we’ve been doing….
“Becoming a Data Scientist” Learning Club?
I have been thinking about doing a “Becoming a Data Scientist” podcast for a long time, at least since April. The podcast would include interviews focused on how people working in various data-science-related jobs got to where they are today (how did they “become a data scientist”?). I’m getting closer to taking the dive and getting it started.
I had an idea today that would take it a step further. Imagine how book clubs work where you pick a book, go off and read it, then gather occasionally to discuss and record your thoughts. Except instead of a book club, it’s a data science learning club!
BPDM’s interview with….. me!
An organization based in Puerto Rico called “Broadening Participation in Data Mining” (BPDM) interviewed me over the weekend, and it’s online now! Without further ado…. Thanks to Orlando and Herbierto for having me on! (P.S. I did put up the post about Data Sources on DataSciGuide)
Playing With Google Cloud Datalab
This weekend, I played around with the newly-released Google Cloud Datalab. I learned how to use BigQuery and also played around with Google Charts vs Pandas+Matplotlib plots, since you can do both in Datalab. I had a few frustrations with it because the documentation isn’t great, and also sometimes it would silently timeout and it… Continue reading Playing With Google Cloud Datalab
DataSciGuide Contest
Want a way to help people that are learning data science, and also get a chance to win a $40 Amazon Gift Card? Review a data science blog, podcast, course, or other content at DataSciGuide! Here’s more info: http://www.datasciguide.com/review-stuff-and-win-a-40-amazon-gift-card/
DataSciGuide Update
I finally had a chance this weekend to make some progress on my “Data Science Directory” website, DataSciGuide.com, and I would love your feedback on it! That site isn’t open for comments yet, so I’m directing people to leave feedback here. If you haven’t kept up with the development of DataSciGuide, here are a few… Continue reading DataSciGuide Update