For the latest project, my Machine Learning professor gave us some sample code (in C) and we have to:
Convert the sample into the language we’ll be using (Python in my case) and compile & run the linear regression model on the training data, calculating the error using a function. Modify the program to…
Category: grad school
Midterms & Project 1 Grade
I’ve been gone from the blog for a while because of midterms in my two grad classes (Risk Analysis and Machine Learning), and I was about to come back and write about an algorithm I explored that wasn’t related to one of my classes, but my Machine Learning professor went and assigned another project…
ML Project 1: Summary
In class on Thursday, it turned out that I was 1 of only 2 of the 12 students that had actually finished the project, and the professor gave an extension because he realized that he had forgotten to post a file that would help us understand the data and what we needed to do! I… Continue reading ML Project 1: Summary
ML Project 1 (Post 6)
I will post again on this project later to summarize everything that I learned, and hopefully clean up the code a bit now that I’m not under a time constraint to just get enough done to turn in! Also, now that I’ve submitted my work, any advice on the approach is welcome! The 4 classification… Continue reading ML Project 1 (Post 6)
ML Project 1 (Post 5): Done!
I’m not going to write up the results here and post the code yet because it’s 3am and I still have to write up my project to turn it in, but I wanted to post to say I got the KNN and Gaussian KDE algorithms working tonight! (At least I think they’re working properly.) I’m… Continue reading ML Project 1 (Post 5): Done!
ML Project 1 (Post 4)
Wow, this was a tough one!! I actually had the right idea for this Gaussian Bayes Classifier from the start, but I got totally stuck because my Gaussian values were coming out as 2×2 matrixes instead of probabilities. It turns out my x-mu vectors were being stored as arrays, not matrixes, and in Python, arrays don’t have the same shape. So I don’t know why it didn’t get an error, but the math was coming out all wonky.
I stepped through each piece of that equation, and eventually discovered the “shape” property, which showed me that what I thought was a matrix and a matrix transpose were being seen as the same shape.
ML Project 1 (Post 3)
I present to you… my first classifier! Naive Bayes! It appears to work! haha :)
I know it’s a mess, but I have barely used Python before, and I’m new to Machine Learning, so I’m learning. This is for #2 for my project.
ML Project 1 (Post 2)
So, my Machine Learning project is due in 5 days. We’ve had it since just over a week ago, but also had a homework due in the meantime, so I’m just getting to it. I only have a short time to understand how to do this project, plus I have homework in another class due… Continue reading ML Project 1 (Post 2)
Machine Learning Project 1
I mentioned in my “Why Data Science” post that I thought about starting this blog when the first project was assigned in my graduate Machine Learning class. The class to date has been mostly “math review” (which is not a review at all for me) and doing homework problems that take 4 pages of work… Continue reading Machine Learning Project 1
Since this site is about “becoming a data scientist”, I thought I should define what I think that means by setting some goals for myself.