The 2019 iteration of Tom Tom Fest (named after Thomas Jefferson) starts in under a month, and the Applied Machine Learning Conference (AMLC) is just over a month away, on April 11, in Charlottesville, VA! This is a conference I’ve helped plan since the beginning, and it’s grown in 3 years from a single theater… Continue reading Tom Tom Fest Applied Machine Learning Conference 2019
Category: events/meetups
Hi #DemystifyDS Attendees!
I’m assuming that some people who see my talk at Demystifying Data Science conference will be dropping by here, so I wanted to put up a quick post summarizing some of the resources I have made available to data science learners!
Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast Special Episode
Becoming a Data Scientist podcast, Partially Derivative podcast, Adversarial Learning podcast, and some other awesome data people that do elections forecasting for their day jobs joined together for this talk about the US election and the subsequent major questions surrounding the predictions, since basically all of them heavily leaned toward a different overall outcome than we got. If you’re interested at all in data science surrounding political campaigns, this episode is a must-listen!
PyData DC 2016 Talk
I just got back from PydataDC, where I learned a lot, had fun, and met a bunch of awesome people! I’ll definitely write about it more later, but I wanted to share my slides here since I told the attendees they could find them on my website. I got good feedback on the talk, and… Continue reading PyData DC 2016 Talk
“Becoming a Data Scientist” Learning Club?
I have been thinking about doing a “Becoming a Data Scientist” podcast for a long time, at least since April. The podcast would include interviews focused on how people working in various data-science-related jobs got to where they are today (how did they “become a data scientist”?). I’m getting closer to taking the dive and getting it started.
I had an idea today that would take it a step further. Imagine how book clubs work where you pick a book, go off and read it, then gather occasionally to discuss and record your thoughts. Except instead of a book club, it’s a data science learning club!
Girl Develop It! Meetup
In the past, I’ve been “semi-anonymous” on this blog, not advertising my real name or employment. However, if I’m going to start doing “appearances”, I might as well make it easy for people to match up my blog with my name! So hello, I’m Renee Marie Parilak Teate, and I’m becoming a data scientist :)… Continue reading Girl Develop It! Meetup
Charlottesville Data Science Internships
There is going to be a meetup on February 23rd in Charlottesville, VA where local companies will present their data science internship opportunities and talk about data science work in general. This will be my first time going to a C’ville Data Science meetup, and I hope to bring some JMU students with me to… Continue reading Charlottesville Data Science Internships