
The Becoming a Data Scientist tees are ready to sell! I ordered a couple myself before posting them for sale, to make sure the quality was good. They came out great!! And if you order from Teespring before MarchApril 1 using this link: Becoming a Data Scientist Store – Free Shipping, you’ll get free shipping on your order! The design is a combination of those submitted to our contest by Amarendranath “Amar” Reddy and Ryne & Alexis.

T-Shirt Contest Finalists

I still haven’t heard from one of the 3 finalists, but I wanted to go ahead and post the first two, and I’ll update here with the final one later. These finalists win a data science book and a t-shirt, and I’ll choose from the three (I’m actually considering combining elements from two of them!) and announce the final t-shirt design when they are available for sale.

Without further ado, the top 3 vote-winners after 94 votes, in no particular order, are….

Vote for a T-Shirt design!

Which of these awesome designs would you like on your future Becoming a Data Scientist T-Shirt? You all will narrow it down to 3, then I’ll pick the final winner to be printed! For the ones that aren’t t-shirt-print-ready, I’ll get a graphic designer to tidy them up, so don’t worry about whether they’re printable… Continue reading Vote for a T-Shirt design!

T-Shirt Design Contest!

I’ve decided that I want to have Becoming a Data Scientist t-shirts to sell and to give out to podcast guests and contest winners, but I am not a graphic designer, so I need some help! So I’m going to have a t-shirt design contest!