Renee interviews computational biologist, author, data scientist, and Michigan State PhD candidate Sebastian Raschka about how he became a data scientist, his current research, and about his book Python Machine Learning. In the audio interview, Sebastian also joins us to discuss k-fold cross-validation for our model evaluation Data Science Learning Club activity.
Podcast Audio Links:
Link to podcast Episode 8 audio
Podcast’s RSS feed for podcast subscription apps
Podcast on Stitcher
Podcast on iTunes
Podcast Video Playlist:
Youtube playlist of interview videos
More about the Data Science Learning Club:
Data Science Learning Club Welcome Message
Learning Club Activity 8: Evaluation Metrics [coming soon]
Data Science Learning Club Meet & Greet
Links to topics mentioned by Sebastian in the interview:
Sebastian’s Python Machine Learning repository on GitHub
Python Machine Learning Book on DataSciGuide
scikit-learn – Voting Classifier
logistic regression (from Sebastian’s github)
regularization in logistic regression (from Sebastian’s github)
@rasbt on Twitter
Sebastian Raschka on Quora
Sebastian’s book on Amazon: