Monday Silliness

OK so I’m tired enough to be a little silly right now, and I think I’m finally feeling bold enough to share my parody songs inspired by these twitter exchanges:

So here goes….

The Summer of Data Sci’

To the tune of…

I took my first course in machine learning
Found it all for free online
Coded ’til my fingers bled
Was the Summer of Data Sci

Me and some twitter friends
Got together and we tried real hard
To understand how data covaried
(linear dependence between two vars)

Oh when I look back now
That summer was the best endeavor
And if I had the choice
I wouldn’t change it whatsoever
Those were the best days of my life

Ain’t no use in complainin’
When you got learning to do
Spent my evenings staring at my laptop
And that’s when I downloaded you

You were free and open source
I thought that you would last forever
And then I faced a choice
I had to port you now or never
Python 2.7 to 3.5

Oh yeah
Back in the Summer of Data Sci

We were consumin’ APIs
Which were RESTful and RESTless
The response was undefined…
I guess nothin’ can work forever, 410, gone

And now the times are changin’
Look at everything that’s come and gone
Sometimes I import that old library
Documented it in IPython

You were free and open source
Analyzed my datasets on weather
Your model helped me understand
Bayesian time series forecasts better
Those were the best days of my life

Oh yeah
Back in the Summer of Data Sci
It was the Summer of Data Sci, oh yeah
Me and my Summer of Data Sci, oh


For the Love of Data

To the tune of…

Data, data, data, data. DATA. [6x]
Some people got to have it
Some people really need it
Listen to me y’all, make things
make things, make things rad things with it
You wanna do things, do things
Do things, good things with it
Talk about raw data, data
Talk about raw data
Data files, y’all, c’mon now

For the love of data
People will knowledge-discover
For the love of data
People will track their own numbers
For the love of data
People can’t even press delete
Because they never know
which algorithm just might need it
For that clean, learned-by-machine, forecasting
almighty model

For the love of data
People will train decision trees
For the love of data
People develop their own techniques
For the love of data
A woman will sell her precious time

For a small CSV, it contains a lot of weights
Call it clean, learned-by-machine, forecasting
almighty model
(talk about talk about stats)

I know that data’s generated by all people
Internet of Things, some evil
Give me a sample, brother can you data mine?
Data can drive some people out of their minds
Data data data no good no good don’t sell your soul for data
Data data data AI AI deep learning will

I know that data’s generated by all people
Internet of Things, some evil
Give me a sample, brother can you data mine?
Data can drive some people out of their minds

Data data data
Got to have it, I really need it
Data data data
Give it up, give it up, give it up, yeah.
Data data data
Gotta have it
Some people really need it
Give me give me give me raw data
Data data data I need I need
Give me give me give me

How many strings are in this array
Don’t let don’t let don’t let data rule ya
How many neighbors optimize this k
Don’t let don’t let don’t let don’t let data fool ya
yeah yeah yeah
Got to train it, then really test it

Save your code. Save your code.
Let the feeds stream stream stream stream stream.

People, don’t let data, don’t let data change you
almighty model

It will keep on changing, changing up your mind
I’m tellin’ y’all

Categorized as #SoDS