Stephen Wolfram recently announced that he is releasing a programming language that appears to include a quick development approach for mathematical and data science projects (and more), utilizing everything that Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica are capable of, and taking them to another level completely. The demonstration in the video is very impressive, and I’m excited to try this out! It looks like it would be especially useful in the initial phase of exploring data, where you could set up all kinds of visualizations and standard algorithms to try out on a dataset to get a better understanding of the data before diving in further.
Here’s the impressive demo video:
And here is a link to the documentation:
I don’t have a Mathematica license or Wolfram Workbench, but I could get a student copy at a discount as a graduate student. Have any of you used the Data Mining side of Mathematica before? How does this new language compare? Have you tried Wolfram Language?
h/t to Data Science 101