Hi #DemystifyDS Attendees!

I’m assuming that some people who see my talk at Demystifying Data Science conference will be dropping by here, so I wanted to put up a quick post summarizing some of the resources I have made available to data science learners.

If you haven’t signed up for the conference yet, it’s free online, going on now (10am to 10pm 9/27/2017) and you can sign up at this link. Everyone who registers will get access to the videos afterward.

Here’s some stuff to help you on your data science journey!

Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast

Data Science Learning Club

DataSciGuide Data Science Learning Resource Directory

Recommended Learning Resources for Beginners

@becomingdatasci (me!) on twitter

My Flipboard Magazines – Becoming a Data Scientist, Data Science Tutorials, and Bias in Data Science

Twitter list of over 1200 Women in Data Science and related disciplines to follow!

And some blog posts from this blog I’d like to highlight:

Thanks to Metis for hosting the Demystifying Data Science conference today! If we’re able to post the videos of our talks publicly in the future, i’ll post it here.

Thanks for dropping by! Connect with me on twitter for any follow-up questions!

1 comment

  1. Great presentation yesterday! I’m looking forward to digging into some of the resources I saw from there. It’s daunting, so I appreciate this roundup post!

    I also listened to episodes 00 and 01 of the podcast. Good stuff!

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