T-Shirt Contest Finalists

I still haven’t heard from one of the 3 finalists, but I wanted to go ahead and post the first two, and I’ll update here with the final one later. These finalists win a data science book and a t-shirt, and I’ll choose from the three (I’m actually considering combining elements from two of them!) and announce the final t-shirt design when they are available for sale.

Without further ado, the top 3 vote-winners after 94 votes, in no particular order, are….

1) Ryne


Ryne is an analyst for an economic consulting firm in Salt Lake City looking to transition to a career in data science. Lucky for him, his wife Alexis is a graphic designer and entered the competition in his name so he could win a book! She had a baby a few months ago and is just doing freelance design as time permits.

Alexis’ website is alexisbrittany.com. (Feel free to reach out if you need a designer!)

2) Amarendra


Amarendra (Amar) has recently moved to Philadelphia to pursue an MS in Business Intelligence and Analytics at Saint Joseph’s University. He believes in continuous learning and aspires to contribute to the field of data exploration. Upon graduation, Amar would like to work in the field of data visualization. He loves working with tableau and one of his resolutions for 2017 is to get appreciated by one of the Tableau Zen Masters.

3) coming soon

I’ll update here as soon as I hear back from the 3rd finalist! If I don’t hear back, I may give the prizes to the 4th place winner.

Amar and Ryne both selected the same data science book, so I thought I’d share that here for others that may be interested. They will both be receiving The Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas:

You will hear about the final design soon, as well as options for purchasing t-shirts! Thanks to everyone who entered and voted!

1 comment

  1. How about a subtle-ish design on a Polo shirt. It would be smart enough to wear at work then.

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