I need a part-time remote assistant to help keep my websites up to date, among other things!
Thanks to my generous Patreon supporters, I can hire someone to help me out 8-20 hours per month, paying $15/hr. More info and application form at this link.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if there are any problems with the form. Email me at renee@becomingadatascientist.com or tweet me at @becomingdatasci.
I look forward to reading the applications!!
NOTE: Don’t add a comment here if you want to apply (I’m getting some behind the scenes and deleting). Use the link in the post and fill out the application. Thanks!
If you haven’t found anyone, then you should check out UpWork or other similar virtual personal assistant company. They typically have VERY affordable remote assistants from overseas (Asia).
Oh, I had to stop the applicants after 1 week because I got so many :) I have one now! But thanks!