Becoming a Data Scientist Podcast Episode 10: Trey Causey

Trey Causey is a data scientist with a background in psychology and sociology who, like Renee, is from Virginia. He has worked as a data scientist at a range of companies from zulily to ChefSteps, and has also developed some interesting sports analytics projects, including the New York Times 4th Down bot. Trey also has advice for people wanting to start a career in data science.

Podcast Audio Links:
Link to podcast Episode 10 audio
Podcast’s RSS feed for podcast subscription apps
Podcast on Stitcher
Podcast on iTunes

Podcast Video Playlist:
Youtube playlist of interview videos

More about the Data Science Learning Club:
Data Science Learning Club Welcome Message
[learning club activity coming soon]
Data Science Learning Club Meet & Greet

Links to topics mentioned by Trey in the interview:

Commodore VIC-20
Bulletin Board

Virginia Tech
Odyssey of the Mind

University of Washington Sociology

Complexity Theory and organizations

[more links to come! …sorry for all of the delays on getting this episode out! -Renee]