DataSciGuide Update

I finally had a chance this weekend to make some progress on my “Data Science Directory” website,, and I would love your feedback on it!

That site isn’t open for comments yet, so I’m directing people to leave feedback here.

If you haven’t kept up with the development of DataSciGuide, here are a few things to read:

Let me know if you want an account to post some reviews while I test things out! (I’ll even post content that you want to review, just for you.)

Also, tell me any thoughts you have about the site in the comment form below! (or tweet me!)


  1. I am new to programming. Your Python Code Academy comments were reassuring as I related to the experience you described. Though I know the content of your site and experience of others will be at a higher level I expect to be a frequent visitor given what I have seen. Not condescending, very welcoming.

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