Last week, I decided to learn how to use python to get data from an API. I started with the Codecademy “Introduction to APIs in Python” course, which got me oriented to how requests work, and in the subsequent NPR API lesson, specifically how the NPR stories API works. Certain parts of the course assumed you knew more python than you had learned in the course, so heads-up that there are places you will probably have to google for help since the hints aren’t always related to what you’re stuck on. The course isn’t really a requirement for learning this stuff (and I thought it could use a lot of improvement), but it does give you a guided walk-through, which is nice when you are totally new to a topic.
Then, I tweeted about my experience, and got 2 responses encouraging me to use the requests library instead of urllib that codecademy used.
@BecomingDataSci the urllib api is terrible. You should take a look at
— Daniel Moisset (@dmoisset) June 1, 2015
@dmoisset @BecomingDataSci 2nding using of requests over urllib; esp. with HTTPS, requests tends to do saner things (e.g., cert validation)
— Cheng H. Lee (@chenghlee) June 1, 2015
I decided to redo what I had learned from scratch, but using requests. I also wanted to learn how to use IPython, so I used an IPython notebook to play around with the code. Below is the HTML export of my IPython notebook, with comments explaining what I was doing. I’m sure there are better ways to do what I did (feel free to comment with suggestions!), but this was my first time doing any of this without any guidance, so I don’t mind posting it even if it’s a little ugly :) I definitely spent a lot of time understanding the hierarchy of the NPR XML and how to loop through it and display it. If you have done something similar in a more elegant way, please point me to your code!
Here are the main resources I used to learn how to do what is in the code:
- python requests library documentation
- NPR API documentation
- python lxml library documentation
- iPython videos
I also wanted to mention that there are a lot of frustrations you can run up against when you’re a python beginner. I was having a lot of problems with seemingly basic stuff (like installing packages with pip) and it took a couple hours of googling and asking someone for help to figure out there was a problem with my path environment variables in windows. I’ll post about that another time, but I just wanted to 1) encourage people not to give up if you get stuck on something that seems to be so basic that most “intro” articles don’t even cover it, and 2) encourage people writing intro articles to make some suggestions about what could go wrong and how to problem-solve.
Here’s one example: When I tried to export my IPython notebook to HTML, it gave me a 500 server error saying I needed python packages I didn’t already have. After I installed the first, it told me I needed pandoc, so I installed that as well, but it kept giving me the same error. It turns out that you have to run IPython Notebook as an Administrator in Windows in order to get the HTML export to work properly, but the error message didn’t indicate that at all. This is the kind of frustration that may make beginners think they’re not “getting it” and give up, when it fact it’s something outside the scope of what you’re learning. Python seems to require a lot of this sort of problem-solving.
(Note: on my other laptop, I installed python and the scipy stack using Anaconda, and have had a lot fewer issues like this.)
Without further ado, here’s my iPython notebook! (I’m having issues making it look readable while embedded in wordpress, so click the link to view in a new tab for now, and I’ll fix for viewing later!)
Renee’s 1st IPython Notebook (NPR API using requests and lxml)
Here’s the actual ipynb file if you have IPython installed and want to run it yourself: First Python API Usage**
**NOTE: WordPress wouldn’t let me upload it with the IPython notebook extension for security reasons, so after you download it, change the “.txt” extension to “.ipynb”!