Codecademy Python Course: Completed

I can cross off another item on my Goals list since i finally jumped back into the Codecademy “Python Fundamentals” course and completed the final topics this afternoon.

I think the course would be good for people that have had at least an introductory programming course in the past. I didn’t have much trouble with the tasks (though a few were pretty tricky), but I have programming experience (and taught myself some advanced Python outside of the course for my Machine Learning class) and can imagine that someone that had never programmed before and was unfamiliar with basic concepts might get totally stuck at points in the course. I think they need 2 levels of “hints” per topic so that if you just need hints on the most common difficult things that trip people up, you click it once and get the hints they show now. But if you’re truly stuck and need to be walked through it, they should have more in-depth hints for true beginners.

The site estimates it will take you 13 hours to complete the course. I don’t know how much time I spent on it total, since it was broken up over months. It took me about an hour to finish the final 10% of the course, covering classes, inheritance, overrides, file input/output and reviews, then also going back and figuring out where the final 1% was that it said I hadn’t completed (apparently I skipped some topic mid-course accidentally) so I could get the 100% topic complete status.

The topics covered are:

  • Python Syntax
  • Strings and Console Output
  • Conditionals and Control Flow
  • Functions
  • Lists & Dictionaries
  • Loops
  • Iteration over Data Structures
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Classes
  • File Input & Output

I thought this was a good set of topics for an intro course. If they dropped anything, I think Bitwise Operators was a “bit” unnecessary for beginners. I liked the projects they included to test out the skills you learned, like writing a program as if you are a teacher and need to calculate statistics on your class’ test scores.

Overall, I think Codecademy did a good job with this course, and I would point other programmers that want to quickly get up to speed on Python to take this course. I would also point beginners to the course, but with a warning that there are tricky spots they may need outside resources to get through.


  1. Hi Renee,

    Hope you are doing good.
    I also completed python course at code academy.
    But I dont think that it will be enough, it cover just a bunch of syntax.
    I am studying machine learning course and needs to learn advanced parts in python which will be required for ML algorithms implementation and project.

    Can you please help with the links and resources for adv Python.

    Thanks a lot.
    Best luck on your journey to become data scientist.


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