I’m in the midst of working on Project 3 for my Machine Learning class. This one has the following tasks:
- Train a 3-layer (input, hidden, output) neural network with one hidden layer based on the given training set which has 8 inputs and 7 outputs. Obtain training & testing errors with the number of hidden units set at 1, 4, and 8.
- Design a neural network for classification and train on the given training set with 2 inputs and 2 classes. Apply the trained network to the testing data. Let the number of hidden units be 1, 2, and 4 respectively, and obtain training and testing classification accuracies for each.
- Repeat task 2 on the training data set with 16 inputs and 10 classes, using hidden units of 5, 10, and 13
- Repeat tasks 2 and 3 using an SVM classifier. Choose several kernel functions and parameters and report the training and testing accuracies for each.
Thank goodness we’re allowed to use built-in functions this time! The prof recommended matlab, but said I could use python if I could find a good library for neural networks, so I decided to try PyBrain.
I had a hard time attempting to install PyBrain because I was using Python 3.3. Realizing it was incompatible and I didn’t want to try to make the modifications necessary to get it to work with a 1-week project turnaround, I went looking for another package that could do neural networks. I tried neurolab and just couldn’t get it to work, and everywhere I read online with problems, people suggested the solution was to use PyBrain. I already had python 2.7 installed, so I configured my computer to install pybrain for 2.7 and run python 2.7 and use it in Visual Studio (my current IDE), and finally got it up and running.
As of last night, I had some preliminary solutions for task 1, but I don’t fully trust the results, so I’m playing around with it a bit tonight. I do have a little more time to experiment since the due date got moved from Friday night to Monday (once I pointed out that handing out a project on Saturday of Easter weekend – when I was actually working on a major project for my other grad course Risk Analysis – and having it due the following Friday wasn’t very workable for those of us that have full time jobs, and extending it to even give one weekend day would be beneficial).
So, that’s underway, and I’m actually writing this blog post while I wait for my latest neural network setup to train to 100 epochs in pybrain! I’ll update when I have some results to share.